I have been assessing how I could help the most people to maximize the life of their joints and minimize their pain. This is my 50th year of massaging people. It is my 39th year of practicing structural integration - which boils down to realigning bones, muscle and joints by manipulating the web of fascia that holds them.
Early in the process of learning how all of the structures fit together I realized that every move a person makes helps to shape their fascia web. I also realized that the muscles rarely had good give and take relationships; instead back, hip and shoulder muscles tighten into holding relationships triggered by bone misalignment. It took decades of experimentation and persistent practice but I found many effective ways to make the most of the bones, muscles and joints that we have to work with. I see people everywhere who are misaligned with tight muscles and joint restrictions and I see missed potential. Correction of bone alignment has the potential to relieve pain, increase strength and deeply relax the body in a way that could never happen while fighting gravity with tight muscles.
The bones fit together perfectly to neutralize gravity. Once unitized, the frame bones not only neutralize gravity, they have the potential to harness gravity to create movement. And that movement is perfect for activating the ankle, knee and hip stabilizer muscles. When the pelvis tips forward to initiate a controlled forward fall, the feet naturally land under the pelvis. The joint support muscles of the feet, ankles and knees are pretensioned as the feet bear weight. The leg muscles go through a similar stretch / contraction cycle to all of the other mammals.
It is tricky to coordinate all of the body segments. There is a lot to know but the method I developed is designed to facilitate the rebuilding of underused muscles while releasing chronically tight opposition muscles.
I put this out knowing that most of what I have to offer will most likely be exciting to some people who want to deeply understand and control their bodies and not so exciting for people who would rather take pain meds for their pain than pay attention to and correct bone alignment. If you want to explore any of the things I am talking about, please let me know.
I am considering a video blog. A survey. Private lessons and group classes (online for now, but retreats could be great fun for the people who want to go deep.)
I will answer any questions that I can about feet and knees, hips and lower back, rib cage, neck and head, or shoulder girdle and arms. I can also talk about the triad of factors - structural/mechanical, mental/emotional/energetic, and chemical - in health and disease processes. If you are interested in knowing more about your own movement system, talk to me.